Saturday, November 04, 2006


Once upon a time all the foreigners gathered in one bar to celebrate the weird Halloween festival. Luckily they all took taxis so everyone on the bus would not be too shocked.
Costumes... what to do? Then it just hit us, what better costume for Halloween than Yao Ming. And not only Yao Ming but half of Yao Ming. Which is why I spent the evening walking around in a huge pair of pants and Barbara spent the evening walking around in a huge jersey. Here's Yao Ming as one person...

The bottom half of Yao Ming and Marcos (aka a Chinese girl for the night)...

Daniel and Mickey...

The girl's toilet at Alibaba is evidently a hang out place...

Me and Andy, the pirate...

Nick and Dale, watch out Dale...


Robin Night and Simon, aka Beetlejuice...

The girls...


Sandy and Natalia...
Me and Sophie...

Both halves of Yao Ming...


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