Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My room

Here's a few pictures of my room at Yuweihong that I took right after I arrived. It's not the Ritz but it's enough. Ignore the lack of decorations.

Here's my bedroom, conveniently located right beside the kitchen...

My bedroom/den/living area. There's a tiny baloncy outside but unfortunantly it only overlooks the back of another building...

My kitchen. Notice the lack of an oven. Everything is cooked on the stovetop here, very few ovens. That yellow and white thing is my washing machine - interesting to use...

Here's my bathroom. You might not be able to tell from this picture but there's no distinction between the shower area and the rest of the bathroom. You just pull the shower curtain across half the room, unplug the hot water heater (don't want to die), then shower. There's a nice little drain for the water to escape. At first it was weird but I've definitely gotten use to it...

Another few things I've noticed:

-Chinese people love to sing out loud. On the way to class this morning there was a group of guys behind me that sang an entire song while walking to class. I think by the end of the year I'll be randomly singing in public because I've already felt the impulse.

-Unlike back home where students barely go to the classes they are required to go to, I have extra students in all of my classes. I think they attend class simply because I'm foreign and they want to hear me talk. That's fine but I was completely bewildered when I handed out the sign-up sheet for oral test times and a girl (not in my class) asked if she could come take the test. When I explained to her that she could sit in the class but she didn't need to take the test because she wouldn't get a grade she still wanted to take it anyways. Anybody from back at UNC want to take extra exams?


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